Sometimes we aren’t needed for the actual magazine, book, catalog or unique project printing work but you still want an advocate with industry experience to assure the best project outcome and most competitive pricing and terms. We are happy to help! With over 30 years of cross-disciplinary experience in the print industry, simply put, amazing, seamless experience we know the process, best fits, and industry standards and we bring that knowledge base to every project we are involved in to assure your satisfaction.

Ways We Can Help:

  • Development of Timelines

  • Development of Scope and Spec

  • Getting Prototypes/Dummies Made 

  • Development of RFPs for Projects

  • Pricing Procurement and “Apples to Apples Comparison”

  • Cost Modeling 

  • Workflow Review

  • Contract Negotiation

  • Help with ending a Contract 

  • Press Approvals

  • Vendor Meetings and/or Analysis

  • Idea or Brainstorm Sessions

  • Digital Brand Extension

  • New Revenue Stream Development

  • Distribution Analysis

While we charge differently for these types of services, no matter what capacity you may need us for, the process and project outcome will be pleasantly improved.  


Print + Solutions: Top Printing Consultant

Print + Solutions can best help when we get involved in the earliest stages of the process to secure optimal outcomes for each project we touch. Let’s discuss how we may be able to help.

Print + Solutions: Top Printing Consultant

We can set up an initial complimentary discovery call to better understand your company and overall needs and see if there is a good fit. From there, if there is a fit, we will send you a proposal for our services.

Print + Solutions: Top Printing Consultant

Whatever your need, we will deliver on the agreed upon project scope, spec and timeline.  

Print + Solutions: Top Printing Consultant

Simply put, we will help you navigate the industry, be your advocate and roll up our sleeves to help make it all happen on-time and within your proposed budget.

"Having spent years in advertising and marketing, I know my way around when it comes to photography and CMYK. Having said that, I would've been lost in the publishing world if I didn't have Steve on my side as a consultant. His guidance was instrumental in getting me started and to the finish line with my book publishing launch. Publishing companies have entire departments devoted to doing what Steve does, and they still can't hold a candle to the quality, service and manufacturing expertise he delivers."

~ Matt Janzen, State of Craft Beer

Clients + Case Studies


Print + Solutions: Top Printing Consultant

Let’s Connect!

  1. Please fill out our contact form to tell us about your project.

  2. We'll connect to discuss your needs in relation to our service offerings.

  3. You’ll receive a proposal from us in days. 

  4. Give us the go-ahead and we will get started!